Conference 2018

Conference 2018

Click here to download Conference programme | Strand Hotel Accommodation Information


Friday 5th October:

15.00: Check in Strand Hotel

20.00: Dinner in the River Restaurant or the Terrace Café Bar – meeting old friends and new

22.00: Music in the Bar

Social Program includes: Folk/Bluegrass/Trad. Music, Poetry & Song


Saturday 6th October

07.00 – 10.30am Breakfast in the River Restaurant.

08.30: Conference Registration – City View Suite (6th Floor)

09.00: FIRST SESSION: Chairman: Dr. Billy O’Connell, GP Miltown- Malbay, Co. Clare.

09.00: A Practical Approach in Type 2 Diabetes: Dr. Andrew Vance, GP & Clinical Lecturer, Royal Compton & Oldham Family Practice.

09.30: Osteoporosis: Prof John Carey, Consultant Rheumatologist. UCHG, Galway

10.00: Spinal Deformity in Children: Mr. Jim Kennedy, Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, Our Lady’s Children’sHospital, Crumlin, Dublin

10.20: Hip Dysplasia: Mr. Pat O’Toole, Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin,Dublin.

10.40: The Battle against Antibiotic Resistance – Lending a Hand: Prof. Martin Cormican, HSE National Lead for Healthcare Associated Infection & Antibiotic Resistance. Consultant Microbiologist UCGH/Professor of Bacteriology NUIG.

11.00: Cardiology Update and Novel Procedures Relevant to Primary Care: Dr. Crochán O’Sullivan, Consultant Cardiologist, Bons Secours Hospital Cork.

11.30: Tea/Coffee – Official Opening of 33rd Pharma Exhibition.

12.00: SECOND SESSION Chairman: Dr. J. Cowley. Key Note Speaker: International Rural Practice: The Delhi Declaration: What relevance to Irish Rural Practice? Dr. John Wynn-Jones, Chairman WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice. Immediate Past President EURIPA (European Rural and Isolated Practioners Association)

12.20: The Continuity Principle: Rural General Practice as a Key Driver of Medical Education. Dr. Liam Glynn, Prof. of General Practice, UL, GP, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare

12.40: The Role of Universities in Rural GP Education: Dr. Robert Scully, GP, ‘Scotgem’, Scotland

13.00: Panel Discussion/Open Forum

13.30: Lunch in the Terrace Restaurant

14.40: THIRD SESSION Chairman: Dr. Jerry Cowley, GP, Mulranny, Co. Mayo

14.40: Irish Healthcare: Learning from the past; What of the Future? Dr. Christine O’Malley, consultant geriatrician, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

15.00: The Government Response to the Slainté Care Implementation Report. Dr. Michael Harty, TD, Chairman Joint Oireachtas Health Committee. GP, Kilmihill, Co. Clare.

15.30: Irish Rural Practice – an ICGP Update: Speaker to be confirmed

15.50: Irish Rural Practice – an IMO Update: Dr. Martin Daly, IMO GP Committee Ms Susan Clyne, CEO IMO

16.10: Irish Rural Practice – an NAGP Update: Dr. Maitiú O’Tuathill, President NAGP, Mr. Chris Goodey, CEO, NAGP

16.30: The Future of Rural Practice – Panel Discussion – Open Forum

17.30: End of Session – Closing Comments

19.30:  Drinks Reception in The City View Suite (6th Floor) followed by Gala Dinner
Music with Abbeyfeale’s GP Michael O’Donnell and “The Lost Souls” supported by “ McGinty and Keegan”


Sunday 7th October

8.00 – 10.30:  Breakfast in River Restaurant

10.00: Meeting in the City View Suite : Chairman: Dr. Frank Fogarty, GP, Clonmany, Co. Donegal

10.00:  Cardiovascular Risk Assessment for the Intermediate Risk Patient in Primary Care; Role OF THE CT Coronary Calcium Score: Dr. Crochán O’Sullivan,Consultant Cardiologist, Bons Secours Hospital, Cork

10.20: A Public Genome Project will enhance healthcare quality – a personal dissertation. Dr. Pat Harold, GP, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary

10.40: ‘Attorneys of the Poor’ AnEthnographic Study of a selection of General Practitioners in Rural Ireland: Dr. Catherine Hayes, GP, Glasnevin, Dublin

11.00: New Initiatives in the Mid West: National Application: CIT (Community Intervention Teams), Urgent Care Centres, Midwest Bed Bureau: Dr. BillyO’Connell, GP Milltown Malbay, Co. Clare. Dr. Bruce O’Donnell, GP Ennis, Co.Clare.

11.30: ‘GP Pension Scheme and what happens when you retire?’ Dr. KenEgan, Ballindine, Co. Mayo. Dr. Anthony Lundon, GP, Galway

12.00: Practical Succession Strategies for Rural GPs’ Alan Connolly – Partner, BCC Accountants & Registered Auditors. Orla Murphy – Founder, Business Medical


12.55: Conference Closing Remarks

13.00: Lunch in the Terrace Restaurant

2.00pm Annual Rural Doctors Golf Competition – Limerick Golf Club, Ballyclough.